Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) ,Jane Marshall Acupuncture, Wolfville Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) ,Jane Marshall Acupuncture, Wolfville Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) ,Jane Marshall Acupuncture, Wolfville
Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) ,Jane Marshall Acupuncture, Wolfville

How long does each session last, and what is the cost?
The initial session lasts 90 minutes and costs $105, while follow-up treatments last about 75 minutes and cost $95. Payment is accepted by cash or cheque.

Will my insurance plan cover the cost of my treatments?
Many extended insurance plans cover acupuncture (as provided by a registered acupuncturist), either fully or partially. Please check with your provider to find out your coverage. A receipt will be issued, which you can then submit for reimbursement.

What happens during a session?
The initial session includes a series of questions regarding the client's physical and emotional functions. All illness is a manifestation of imbalance and blockage in the body, and everything is related. For this reason, it's important to determine where the root of the imbalance lies, and how all aspects of the body are affected.

A tongue and pulse diagnosis completes the picture. These ancient systems hold valuable information regarding the "landscape" of the body, as well as how the body's organ systems are balanced.

Once a diagnosis is made, the client lies on a massage table and an acupuncture treatment is performed. Points are chosen according to the individual client's needs. Needles are usually retained 15-20 minutes. Other techniques, such as moxibustion and cupping may be employed, depending on the client's condition.

Does Acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture needles are sterile and single-use. They are extremely fine, not much bigger than a hair! In fact many acupuncture needles can fit inside a hypodermic needle!

Acupuncture needles are placed just beyond the surface of the skin. They generally produce little to no sensation for the patient - there may be a small prick, a slight ache, a tingle, or a feeling of warmth. Many patients even become so relaxed they fall asleep during treatment!

How many sessions will it take to feel better?
It's different in each case. Chronic, long- term conditions may take months of regular treatment, while more recent conditions may take just a few sessions. Often people feel improvement immediately, while others feel a difference only after a few sessions, once the treatment has "kicked in".

Often, conditions that are seemingly unrelated to the main complaint improve with treatment. This is because in Chinese Medicine, everything is interconnected and interrelated.

How frequent are the sessions?

To begin, clients are generally asked to commit to several weekly sessions, to give the body a gentle nudge in the right direction. The interval between treatments is lengthened once the treatment is "holding". With each session, the body is reminded of its innate balance, but it tends to go back to old patterns until it becomes accustomed to the new normal!

Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) ,Jane Marshall Acupuncture, Wolfville
Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) ,Jane Marshall Acupuncture, Wolfville
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Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) ,Jane Marshall Acupuncture, Wolfville